The Master Plan you see here is a collaboration of the members of our Board of Directors, a volunteer architect, and others that have shared in the vision of the Camp development, all of which we believe have been inspired by the Holy Spirit for this purpose.

The plan for the entire property seems a bit overwhelming for such a new organization as we are, and we have no expectations as to the timing of its completion, but we must remind ourselves that we serve a big God and nothing is impossible for those that "have faith and do not doubt". We keep in front of us the scripture that is the engine behind our vision, Isaiah 43:19, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."

If you recognize the work of the Holy Spirit in what we are doing, and sense His hand leading you to be a part, we invite you to join us as donors and volunteers.

For the purpose of prioritizing our efforts, both our own and those that support the Camp, we have set forth the following goals for today, tomorrow, and the coming years, always with eternity in mind, for it is that Hope that we have in the Gospel that drives all that we do.


What God has already provided requires maintenance. There are administrative needs of the Camp organization that we must continue to support and maintenance to the equipment and the property we’ve all worked so hard to provide.

Bookkeeping fees, insurance, government compliance reporting as a nonprofit, gas and oil for the equipment, water and electricity, ferry transportation, etc., you get the picture. Our budget for the year is $25,500.


In the coming weeks and months, we want to continue to completion the conversion of the old barn, adding bathrooms and showers. Budget $2500

Add recreation equipment such as volleyball net, Gaga ball pit, Carpetball table, swings and playground-type stuff, maybe even soccer goals. Budget 4,000

Add an event tent with furnishings for revivals and meetings. Budget $14,000

Begin developing garden areas for groups and individuals to use for prayer and reflection. "Perseverance", "Patience". and "Calvary" on the Master Plan are in primary view. Budget $3000 each

Additionally, we are seeking a God led person to fill the roll of Camp Director, our first compensated position. The budget for support of this role is $15,000.

And, begin improvements to the Main Entrance including a cattle crossing so we can let people in and keep the horses out (its a Vieques thing, you know) Budget for this year: $ 4000


In the months ahead we will work to complete the Main Entrance and begin construction on our first new building, a Bungalow that will house groups that come to the Camp for multiple-day events.

Construction design documents, permits, and of course financial support will determine the pace of this. Budget TBD